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Information Centre on Disability Tanzania


Our mission is to create a more inclusive world

by providing resources, education, and advocacy for people living with disabilities in Tanzania. We believe that everyone should have access to equal opportunities and rights, regardless of their physical or mental abilities.

Ongoing Projects

Inclusive Education Program in Tanzania Mainland

Promotion of Equitable and Affordable Education and Health Care Services for Women and Children with Disabilities in Zanzibar


Our Impact Report

Through our programs, we have been able to provide support to over 4000+ children with disabilities, ensuring they have access to the same opportunities as their peers.

We work tirelessly to raise awareness and advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. Through partnerships and events, we aim to reduce stigma and promote inclusion in all areas of society.

Tanzania ratified the UNCRPD in 2008 which resulted in the formulation of Disability Act No 9 of 2010.Disability rights are also provided under the 1977 constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, and the 2006 Persons with Disabilities (Rights and Privileges) Act (Zanzibar), amongst others. However, as of now, awareness of national disability laws and policies is low and most national and local plans and budgets do not cover disability issues which makes implementation challenging. The 1982 Disabled Persons (Employment) Act and the Persons with Disabilities Act established a quota system and prohibit discrimination in employment towards people with disabilities. The Persons with Disabilities (Rights and Privileges) Act also included tax incentives for the private sector. Children with disabilities have been included in education policies since the Education Act of 1969. The Persons with Disabilities Act also
provides for non-discrimination and inclusive settings for children with disabilities. There is a 2018-2021 Inclusive Education Strategy and a 2014 Special Needs Education Policy. The 2007 National Health Policy addressed disability barriers to accessing healthcare services. The Persons with Disabilities Act also contains provisions for the healthcare of persons with disabilities, although the Mainland Act is much stronger on the right to healthcare than Zanzibar’s. Persons with disabilities are one of the poorest, most marginalized and socially excluded groups in Tanzania. They are more likely to be vulnerable to all kinds of shocks.